A Silver Tsunami

Ours is a youth-obsessed culture and the work place is no exception.  A recent survey from the US found that roughly two thirds of workers over the age of 50 said they believed older workers face age discrimination at work.  The theme is shared here in Canada as well.

We’ve heard from many since our firm was founded:

“I’m 58 and specialize in IT.  I’ve got a solid track record and have applied for more than 200 jobs.  I’m not sure why I’m being overlooked but I suspect age has something to do with it.”

“Last fall I was laid off from a position I held for twenty years.  Part of a realignment in the company I was told. I apply for every position that I feel even remotely qualified, have had at least 25 interviews and have been a finalist on more than one occasion but the roles have always gone to someone much younger. I’ve lowered my expectations and still can’t find meaningful work.  Then a recruiter suggested taking the dates off my resume and dying my hair.  Are you kidding me?”

“In a recent interview the company was proud of their diversity and equity program and shared their views on equal opportunities for all…..except for anyone over the age of 60.  Of course, they didn’t say this out loud but it was evident through the questions I was asked.”

“I’m being repurposed they told me.  The company will take care of me they told me.  I didn’t even know what any of that meant.  I don’t need to be taken care of.  I just wanted to keep working but was thanked for my service and walked out the door.”

According to Statistics Canada, between 2016 and 2021 more than 1.4 million Canadians entered the ranks of those aged 55 and older.  Last year alone, one in five Canadians of working age were aged 55 to 64, which is an all time high in the history of our Canadian census.  We all knew this tsunami was coming and yet, we are unprepared to manage what I believe is a remarkable opportunity.

 At the same time businesses of all sizes, in a variety of industries, are complaining of labour shortages.  As of the second quarter of 2022, there were more than one million vacant jobs in our country – another record high.  Our aging population is part of the problem, yet is being overlooked as a powerful solution. Mobilizing this group is our specialty,

 This is our new normal and The Experience Group is here to help you redeploy your wisdom, experience and high-value assets through our Silver Seals program and help companies with our Age Smart Employer program. 



Knowledge is Accumulated.  Wisdom is Refined.


Become an “Age Smart” Employer