Knowledge is Accumulated. Wisdom is Refined.
Peter Drucker came up with the term “knowledge worker” in the late 1950’s long before computers and other forms of technology even existed. He was referring to problem solving and critical thinking skills. Drucker believed that knowledge workers were intelligent, focused on finding the truth and focused.
Today, we are flooded by knowledge coming at us from every direction. What we really need is a dose of wisdom in our workplace. At the Experience Group, we refer to these wisdom workers as Silver Seals, who come fully equipped to help transform your organizations and guide those entrusted to their care.
Silver Seals can connect the dots – while memory and speed may decline somewhat as we age, the ability to connect the dots, get the gist of things, figure stuff out grows. The older more practiced brain can move quickly from left to right seeing the whole rather than just the parts. Experience has given these workers the vision to see outcomes before decisions are made.
Silver Seals have clarity – cutting through the clutter to determine the root cause of things requires insight only the seasoned can tap into. And because these high performers are no longer trying to prove themselves, they are full of curiosity and authenticity.
Silver Seals listen – when it comes to how different generations think and process information, the more experienced can easily turn their dials and pick up the signals from a variety of sources blending them together to create the perfect recipe.
Silver Seals provide safety – wisdom creates compassion. While the smartest person in the room strokes their ego, the wisest are curious and building trust.
Silver Seals can operate in ambiguity – curious and wise, the experienced can balance seemingly opposite thoughts without becoming fixated on a singular idea. Up and down. In and out. Left brain and right brain. It’s never “either/or” to the wise.
Silver Seals are life long learners – but the gathering of knowledge is not the same as refining wisdom. There are no certificates earned. If knowledge are the ingredients, then wisdom is the recipe garnered through discovery.
Information and knowledge abound and found with the click of a mouse. Wisdom uses the intuition earned over decades, something that no AI is able to replicate. In fact, knowledge workers are at high risk as technology continues to rise. Wisdom, is hard if not impossible to replace.
Become an “age smart” employer today and turn your silver into gold. Call us to learn more.