The Retirement Revolution

Something volcanic has begun in the workplace and the neurotically ageist sectors of society have determined that hiring a highly skilled and wise professional over the age of 60 is not conceivable. These “Silver Seals” aren’t ready for retirement - they are ready for rehirement. Equipped with everything it takes and ready to be deployed. Ready to help take business to new heights, to mentor and coach the next generation of leaders and to share decades of experience.

If you are nearing or over 60 and exploring your next professional cause, you know what I’m talking about. A casualty of the Covid pandemic, I found myself among the masses applying for a variety of roles. I was not “overqualified” but rather perfectly qualified to help in ways that can’t even be captured on a resume. In the rare case where I managed to get to the interview stage, it was quietly obvious that those on the other side of the virtual meeting were not interested in someone the same age as their mother.

Some of us 60-somethings are not ready to stop contributing. We have so much more to give and I would argue that 5 years with a Silver Seal is worth 15 with a new cadet. We are technically savvy, we do know about social media, we have played the game and won on more than one occasion, we do want to help and most importantly we are like Sherpas taking young climbers up the mountain and helping them avoid the crevices and dangers of the ascent.

John Glenn was in his 70’s when he became the first man to orbit the moon. Colonel Saunders was 65 when he founded KFC. Granma Moses started painting at the age of 76 and Nelson Mandela was 75 when he was elected President to South Africa.

If you are over 50 and find yourself wondering what’s next, The Experience Group is here to help. Join the revolution and thrive.


I Have an IDEA!


The Desert Experience