I’m Obsessed!
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one……”
I’m obsessed! Obsessed with continuing to write my story. So many chapters yet to write!
At church a couple of weekends ago, I ran into an acquaintance I hadn’t seen in years. I asked him what he is up to – he spent several minutes regaling me with stories from his past, shared the successful career he had, the countries he had visited and his many accomplishments. And he truly was very successful. And a nice human being.
That welcome conversation did get me to thinking, and it has been rolling around in my brain for days. Knowing this gentleman was retired I was wondering why he didn’t talk about that. Why he didn’t share what he was planning for his next chapter. What he was up to now.
We all have an “old” story, and we all have the opportunity for a “new” story. And age doesn’t matter. Whether you are 50, 65 or 80 what’s next? Not what was, but what is and what is to come.
Why do we seem to retell the old story? Well, it’s comfortable and makes us feel good about ourselves – our identity and for some even self-worth is wrapped up in the past. Letting go of that seems impossible.
But what might our days look like if we wrote a new story, developed a new lead character for that story, started new adventures? What if we stumbled across something remarkable at the same time?
The past got us all to where we are, but it will take something new to take you to a place you haven’t been before.
Write your next chapter rather than read the old one over and over.