Why Hire a Retirement Coach??

Because retirement isn’t the destination it used to be.  Today, you could find yourself with 30 years ahead of you.  Think about that!  30+years!  That’s A LOT of time.  And let’s say that you do manage to save up enough money are you really ready?  Do you even want to retire at all? Some people are completely prepared for the financial side of retirement.  Most are not prepared for the non-financial side of things.  And it is the non-financial side that ultimately determines if you thrive or just go through the motions for yes, that’s right, about 30 years!

Retirement might be one of the rare times in your life when you are completely free to choose what you want to do.  To be able to decide what’s most important and how you are going to spend your time.  These thoughts seem relatively easy but I can tell you its much more complicated that it seems.  And after conversations with many who have recently retired, the majority are disappointed and uninspired in just a few short months.  And so are the people closest to them. No one told them that there was a dark side to retirement.

For many, during their careers, they measured progress and enjoyed the feeling of success resulting from professional achievements.  Accolades and “atta-boys” were abundant, continued growth was encouraged and celebrated, raises and promotions were given, relationships flourished and a sense of purpose was fueled on a daily basis.  I’ve heard many say “When I retire I’m going to……go to the gym, learn how to cook, travel, golf every day, take up a new hobby…”.  Retirement doesn’t come with a magic elixir that builds habits that didn’t exist before.  And I can share with you that no-one can golf EVERY day even if they can afford it. A retirement coach can help you redefine what success means to you and help you define a new and exciting set of standards to ensure your continued growth.  The world needs you to continue to contribute.

Retirement can quickly bring an end to a countless number of relationships.  Many who retire are under the false belief that past colleagues and customers will continue to connect – that invitations to social engagements will still be waiting in your in-box.  NOT.  And rightly so, as the world needs to keep turning.  After all, if your mechanic retires it doesn’t mean you stop fixing your car – you simply find another mechanic and it’s unlikely that you’ll stay connected to your mechanic from the past.

One significant change in retirement comes from the lack of rhythm or schedule that work provides.  Many think their new found freedom will give them the chance to do so much more than just work.  And for some this is true, but for many they find themselves drifting unnecessarily as the days bleed into one another.  Life becomes uninspired.

If you are considering retirement you owe it to yourself, your family and your friends to start working on this new adventure sooner rather than later.  And if you are a business and you know you have employees that you are considering “retiring” you owe to them to start this conversation early, 

 Join the movement!  Unretire and thrive


Retirement Readiness & Retirement Wellness


Late in Life and Just Getting Started