The Next Big Test for Business.

There’s no denying that we are going through a massive demographic transformation.   More and more individuals want to work longer or have to.  It’s clear that very soon the workforce will include people from as many as five generations.

Is your company prepared?  The short answer for most is “no”.  Let’s be real, aging will affect every aspect of your operation – from finding and keeping good people, how your compensation and benefits programs are developed, the marketing of your products and services, how your offices are designed and how work itself is structured.  Seems though the message keeps getting lost while the rules are slowly changing around us.

For those businesses who see longevity as an opportunity rather than a crisis, understand that longevity can significantly contribute to your overall economic growth, not to mention reducing the stress on our health care system and other social programs. 

We (the over 60’s) are changing the nature of retirement as we continue to learn, work and contribute.  These wisdom workers can provide stability, complex problem-solving skills, institutional know how and nuanced thinking skills.  Battle tested talents honed over decades that can complement younger workers, offer guidance and support that will enhance performance and unleash the horsepower from intergenerational collaboration.

Your organization is uniquely positioned to change things now.  It won’t be easy but those who choose to move past today’s preconceptions about older employees will realize remarkable dividends, generate new possibilities for financial return and enhance the lives of everyone involved, including your customers.  It will take courage.

How do we push past the stereotypes?  Some companies are making real progress and are redefining what work looks like rather than just jettisoning older workers out the door.  Are you ready to recalibrate deeply ingrained company processes?

Ignoring the realities of the demographic shift is no longer an option.  It’s time this subject was front and center with HR leaders, product developers, marketing managers, investors and all stakeholders.  But it will take guts and persistence.   You might have to make tough and unpopular decisions in a world where short-term results and demands are at the top of mind.

You have a chance to be part of a movement to change culture, create opportunity, and drive remarkable growth in your business improving the lives of those your employ, the customers you serve and your community as a whole.

Are you ready?  What does your longevity strategy look like?

Let us help you take advantage of a sustainable competitive advantage that is waiting to be unleashed.


What the world needs now…


A Rant:  You Don’t Have to be a Writer to Author a Book?