Perks of Being Over 60
I thought I might change things up a bit and inject a little humor into “aging”. Here are some things that have crossed my mind in the past few months that could be considered perks:
· Kidnappers are not interested in me.
· People offer to carry things for me, and I accept.
· In any hostage situation I’m pretty sure I would be released first.
· I get a 20% discount at my local drug store on Tuesdays.
· No one expects me to run…anywhere.
· My kids call at 9pm and ask if they woke me.
· My grand kids can fix any technology emergency I might have for free.
· I don’t think my eyes can get much worse.
· Things I buy now might not wear out.
· I sing along with elevator music.
· Speed limits no longer look like something to be challenged.
· “Life time” warranties don’t seem all that compelling, so I can pass on the added expense.
· I can take advantage of “happy hour” and eat dinner at 4pm.
· There isn’t much left to learn the hard way.
· I often overhear heated arguments about pension plans and health care.
· I’ve quit trying to hold my stomach in regardless of who walks into the room.
· My joints are more accurate at predicting the weather than meteorologists.
· My secrets are safe with some of my friends because they won’t remember them.
· I can continue to “work” for as long as the world will let me.
Life is good!